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Our Services: Find caregiver & Nurses; Get care assistance; Order&Shipping processing; Training, Coaching and mentorship; 24H Curstomer care. Hire yourself, Get your hustle HERE, and Serve the world to boost your Wealth

Get Care Assistance

With our equipped health professionals your health Care Assistance is now available Online, Face to face, your home or at your Convenience place.
Your choice below is your health solutions

Appointment Management to the Clinics & Hospitals or other Specialists

Need to meet a health professional now at your preferred Clinic or Hospital?, set your program without interruption and meet him/her as expected. We save your time while saving your health too.
Book Appointment To the Clinics/Hospital Or
Meet A Specialist

Home Visit Nurse

Healthy Life start from your home, the reason why IGG allocate the health professional at your home and other convenient place. You got a Registered Nurses at your doorstep when you think working with Igeno Gate. Your healthy life is our priority.
Get Your Nurse Now
