

Our Services: Find caregiver, Home worker/ Home assistant; Get care assistance; Order&Shipping processing; Training, Coaching and mentorship; 24H Curstomer care. Hire yourself, Get your hustle HERE, and Serve the world to boost your Wealth

Training, Coaching and Mentorship

Through our experienced professionals, The Health Link is committed to provide day-to-day Training, coaching, mentorship which is important for career development or serve as preceptor. The preceptors are our experienced workers who assists the “new one” in improving practical skills and judgment, also instills an understanding of the routines, policies, and procedures of the institution and the unit. Our mentor voluntarily assists the mentee to develop values, attitudes, ethical comportment, and critical thinking and role models appropriate behavior.
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Caregiver Training

  1. Basic roles and responsibilities of an individual personal care assistant,
  2. Knowledge of interdependence of health care institutions/staff,
  3. Assistance with lifting and transfers,
  4. Basic first aid,
  5. Emergency preparedness,
  6. Practical skills on Elders, Disabled, Chronic, and Critical ill patients assistance,
  7. Fraud issues and completion of timesheets,
  8. OSHA universal precautions and vulnerable adult and child maltreatment,
  9. Financial literacy.
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New Company Assistance

  1. Elaborate different document Required to start a health care institution,
  2. New staff training toward administrative document and tools implementation,
  3. Online presence management (Website and social media management or creation),
Apply for Starting a Company Assistance

Ancient Company Assistance

  1. General management Assistance,
  2. Update or elaborate different administrative documents,
  3. Online presence management (Website and social media management or creation),
  4. Policy & procedures Implementation,
  5. Staff training, coaching and mentoring toward administrative documents and tools implementation.
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Home Worker Training

  1. Home management & organization,
  2. Infection control at home,
  3. General home security,
  4. Discipline & Respect,
  5. Rights and responsibilities,
  6. Financial literacy,
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Shipping Operator Training

  1. Health Link, Vision, Mission, Values and objective,
  2. Health Link System practices,
  3. Overview on Rwandan transports,
  4. Discipline & Respect,
  5. Rights and responsibilities,
  6. Financial literacy,
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